Snorting cocaine or any other amor table substances off of an erect or horizontal penis
Omg, did you see that girl exhaust piping that guy at the frat party last week?!
by TheEnemy2-0 July 26, 2017
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When you vomit and diarrhea at the same time.
I must have eaten some bad meat cause I just had dual exhaust in your bathroom.
by Steven J. Weed August 24, 2011
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When someone takes a previously funny joke or line, and uses it until it is no longer funny.
Phrase Exhaustion can be seen in the following phrases.

IT'S OVER 9000!!!
Thats what she said.
by Durrthock July 17, 2009
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A warm, moist cloud of ass which is often found flowing in and around 1991 Ford Escorts (blue). The odor of butt exhaust can be described as pungent, revolting, horrifying, tasty, vulgar, and magical. Butt Exhaust is known for its ability to clear a room and induce vomitting on a level only just discovered by man kind. Butt Exhaust sounds range from a quiet "wheeeep" to a loud and symphonic "PPFFFTTTTHHHHHHH pop pop pop poooweeeeeee"
Butt Exhaust, also known as "Blastin' One" or "Ass Eruption" is extremely toxic, and is best avoided.
I used my butt exhaust to propel me across the airport hangar.

The butt exhaust following this Mexican buffet is guaranteed to be momentus and destructive.

Yikes! That butt exhaust has caused me to lose all feeling in the left side of my body!
by threeholeb July 24, 2010
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The exhaustion that comes from the day-to-day ordeals of being transgender, such as having to worry about whether or not you pass, constantly doubting your own voice, wondering if people are secretly judging you, wondering if people are obviously judging you, not being sure if your friends are as comfortable with you as they say you are, and having to deal with the constant reminders of your past and the obstacles you had to overcome to be here.
"Why are you so tired? Aren't you happy now that you're free and in college?"
"Yeah, but there's still the trans exhaustion."
by auxiliatrixx January 22, 2019
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A student so emotionally and physically distressed, that they are forced to the only option of accepting the education provided in front of them. Broken up into subgroups of: Eng, H&M, CGI. All in order of the favourite house/subgroup. The CGI kids turn to deep depression, H&M to drug, ENG to a reduced mental state or sewerslide. After years of this constant mental state, side effects may include: depression, setting yourself up for failure, decreased spatial awareness, vomiting, considering application to art school, mental breakdowns, and death.
That exhausted Mcbride student doesn’t look to good, CALL 911!
by Racquill Maybarra February 7, 2019
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When it is so cold outside that when one farts, water vapor is seen from the farters ass. Exactly like a cars muffler in winter.
Dude: Fuck it's cold as shit outside!
Guy: No shit, I saw folks leaving church this morning and this one dude was kind enough to hold his fart the entire service. He definitely had a Canada Exhaust Pipe.
by WholePriest December 28, 2011
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