An angel. Literally like the hottest girl on the planet. They are so nice and understanding and amazing and funny and their laugh just makes you smile and their eyes are just so beautiful every time you look into them you can’t help but just fall in love and they are so beautiful it should be a crime
by Who cared May 6, 2019
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A small town on the far south coast of New South Wales, Australia.
I currently take residence in Eden.
by dr March 9, 2005
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Usually a girl’s name but in this case, it’s a guy’s name.

He is the prettiest person you’ll ever lay your two seeing balls on 😔😔.
He’s the sweetest person especially when he gets shy🥺. The way his eyes curl up into moon shaped crescents, as if his eyes held the stars in them, captivating you entirely. How his cheeks turn upwards with a soft faint pink color touching them, his pearly whites in full view. His radiant smile in full effect, striking your heart in a second. It’s like the world really does freeze for a few seconds, euphoric tingles surging throughout every part of your body, up to the tips of your fingertips. Sometimes, the immense amount of bliss that radiates off him hurts. It’s as if it strikes through your heart, but in one of the best ways. Complete adoration is all you can feel when you look at him, his presence igniting you with passion rushing through your veins. It’s something about him and how he’s able to entirely captivate you, robbing you of your attention. He’s an absolute angel.
Eden is pretty
by Yikesvane April 23, 2019
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High end bass amplification and speaker cabinet manufacturer since 1976. Now a subsidiary of U.S. Music Corp. Endorsed by many of the top names in the bass world. Company slogan - Never Compromise!
The Eden WT-800 amplifier used in conjunction with a couple of D410XLT cabinets is an incredibly powerful,full sounding bass rig!
by Resedo August 4, 2009
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He/she is just amazing in every way possible. Words cant explain how great they are. He/she is someone you can love and trust with all your heart.
Eden forever
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd January 6, 2020
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Has a large wood and tries to hid the fact with her high pitched voice and amazing eyes lots of people are envious of her because of the massive size of her wood and her nice personality
Edens got a dick
by It’s the captain abdihook November 26, 2019
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To say something which in turn leads to the ending of a conversation.
Girl: It's such a nice day outside. I want to go outside and run around like a crazy lady!

Eden: Truuuueeee

Girl: You just Eden'ed the conversation...WTH!??!?!?!??!!???

Eden: True

Girl: -_-
by qwerty man12 October 14, 2010
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