Dried out, rotten vagina, many like the ones of slutty people.
Eww man shes dried roast beef
by Lester October 30, 2003
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a blow-dried cow is a powerful political weapon. It can be used to win over large amounts of people. Easily obtained through the black market. Illegal for their strange ability to control one's thoughts and actions. This power is through their irresistible charm and adorableness.
"We are in danger because Russia has obtained a Blow-dried Cow"
by Jjshdbne February 22, 2020
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The inability to properly perform cunnilingus (go down on a chick) due to extreme dryness. Often occurs when the female is extremely intoxicated, or by chance is dehydrated from anorexia/bulemia. The name is acquired from the girl's crotch strong resemblence to a sun-dried tomatoe from the Olive Garden. Can be abbreviated to 'Tomatoe,' if both parties know what the abbreviation implies. Also can become the guilty girl's new pet nickname.
{Lunch the morning after a party} "So, did you get anything out of her?" "Shit, all I got was a fucking Sun-Dried Tomatoe."
by Pize October 15, 2004
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From the yaya, meaning completely nutso, wacko, psycho person.
Stay away from her - she's a freeze dried whackaloon!!
by fedup June 24, 2003
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An elderly woman whose vagina can no longer self lubricate itself.
"My dicks all shaffed from Gardenry Margrets dried up lake"
by Gardenry Margret December 4, 2011
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Usually found in the over 40's woman who has spent way too much time sunbathing nude and or pole dancing. Their vj or vagina as it is commonly called becomes old and resembles that of the sun dried tomato.
Man I love to fuck an older woman's sun dried tomato

Did you see the old vagina on that woman? Oh that thing, it's just her sun dried tomato
by Milo43 September 12, 2010
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The sound a player named Demitry on the Realm Mug'Thol from World of Warcraft makes when he speaks.
Demitry sounded like a dried up penis when he last spoke on vent about how much he loved dajinn and stephani.
by wray May 10, 2006
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