An American actor is considered one of Hollywood’s most gifted and versatile performers. He played Iron Man since 2008 and has topped the Forbes list of Hollywood's highest-paid actors.
Robert Downey Jr. will be playing Lewis Strauss an American financier and government official who served as Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission during WWII in Christopher Nolan's new biopic movie OPPENHEIMER.
by pacificshell50 August 23, 2022
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The role of a modern day actor played by billionaire playboy philanthropist Tony Stark.
Fangirl One: "OMG its Robert Downey Jr.!"
Fangirl Two: "OMG! I love that character! Tony Stark is the best actor, like ever!"
by Ima Dicted November 12, 2019
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When you drink so much liquor and get so drunk, you can be declared legally retarded
"No that guys not slow, he's just so drunk he has Robert Downey syndrome"
by MissyMisery May 6, 2010
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Daddiest hottest coolest man on earth
Have you seen robert downey jr in his new movie?

Yes he looks hot af
by Adrian stark March 21, 2018
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The sound made when you hit each tom on a typical five piece drum kit twice starting with the high tom. In 4/4 time the "and a" at the end of a measure is a good lead in to the "1 e and a 2 e" that comprises the Robert Downey Junior part of the succeeding measure.
No dude its "and a ROBert downey JUNior", not "ROBERT DOWNey junior". OK everyone......
by Ultimatums July 7, 2010
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Massive fucking cock. soft to hard it's 6 to 24. all his friends have 10 millimeter defeaters, but he's got a dick so long it drags on the ground behind him. you don't wanna run up on Andrew Downey, he will choke you out with his long schlong and then consume you with his urethra. He baths in money and will not hesitate to legally buy you if the opportunity arises.
Josh, "I wish my skull was being crushed by Andrew Downey's urethra right now."
Bill, "Same bro."
by vag_slayer_69 May 11, 2023
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