stupid fucking server where everyone talks about cock and balls, spams shitposts in #general with two people occasionally simping for each other for attention. all the mods are gay (except cipher) and the admins have small cocks. and don’t forget the faggots that spam their selfies in #general to fish for compliments, when in reality no one gives a shit
Guy 1: Join the NYC High School Discord server
Clementine Eugene Ozurkelus II: No cunt
by attackontitansex92 June 10, 2020
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Kaka v420's discord server is a hate community who especially hates furries if one joins
by Discord guy January 18, 2022
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An Rare Americans Discord Server is a horrid place, full of horniness, horrible humor and a few nice people.
It is often compared to concentration camps by historians. It is generally used to describe horrible places.
All of this has been documented by a bear.
Aw man this party is like the Rare Americans Discord Server, let's get the fuck out of here!
Yeah sure, fuck this place.
by bigfriendlybear April 5, 2021
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Raid a Furry Discord Server day lands on the first of December. On this day, furries cannot fight back or report any raids.
It’s almost Raid a Furry Discord Server day!
by Frerryry November 23, 2022
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If you're seeing this, then you probably searched "urban dictionary is written by you", and then saw a cheeky little text button saying "BOOST YOUR DISCORD SERVER ON URBAN DICTIONARY IN JUST 3 CLICKS!". Your human brain then has a neuron activation. "I like urban dictionary, and I like discord. OH! I know! I shall combine my two passions to make one big passion!"
If you've searched this then you have a predictable monkey brain. Period. Face the truth, sunshine!
Sam: Bro, you should boost your discord server on urban dictionary in just 3 clicks

Chad: The door is over there, you pathetic dopamine-centered hippie
by huggethibbler March 24, 2023
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Do not enter it. For your own fucking sake. They all suck.
ayy lmao member: i suck and i am the worst person imaginable
by dine n dash July 26, 2023
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The best server ever created in the entire Discord.
LEAL's Discord Server? Yes... *smirks*
by Dark Crow January 21, 2017
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