The collection and distribution of what can only be an estimated number in the thousands of Tim Hortons cups that reached out to cover much of the garage storage space. The exact number will never be known but it can be assured this collection was due to the hard work of many. Literally thousand of dollars were 'poured into' or 'pissed out of' this venture.
Ed: I knocked it over. Its spilling what the fuck?
Code: Musta been foug's there's still hot chocolate in it.
A: Figures
by foug January 12, 2005
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(v.) To have negotiations between employer and many employees in order to come to some sort of arrangement on changes to the conditions of employment. the idea is that both parties come to fair agreement.
The result of collective bargaining procedures is a collective agreement
by Gumba Gumba May 13, 2004
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The lawful removal of a President from Office; a decision, made in accordance with the 25th Constitutional Amendment, by the Principal Officers of the Executive Department and the Vice President of the United States.
Thank you, sir!
Your ongoing frequent displays of flagrant ineptitude, overt criminal behavior, nacissism-fueled self-destructive acts and hopelessly pathologic relationship with the truth have provided us all with yet another lesson in Constitutional Law.
How about this? Our next Collective Action is to vote YOU right the fuck OUT of office.
by YAWA September 11, 2020
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The act of a politician receiving payment for any of the following:
1) Advancing a proposal beneficial to the person paying
2) Sending juicy stories to reporters
3) Voting or refraining from voting on a particular bill/legislation/act of Parliament (delete as appropriate)
by Eric The Read September 8, 2010
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Where you proceed to go out in search for clunge. Your one and only aim is for clunge. This is called clunge collecting, you will do anything to get that clunge (girl/vagina).
Crystal: oh no its the minge mauraders ... i dont know how they've found us but they have... run! ... run!

Michelle: I hate those clunge collecting bastards. Darn them to heck.

Crystal: we betta get outta here before they collect our clunge.

Michelle: Thank god they didnt see us... but i knew that clunge collector... he does anything to get clunge nowadays ... i pretty sure they call him Wes around these parts.
by moleskinator August 24, 2009
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The area around and near/above and under your belly button where the cum ejaculated from a male penis settles after an orgasm.
OMG! I covered my collection basket with a large load of baby sauce.
by Skwatz March 5, 2015
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Spence: Man, did you go to the Collective Soul concert last nite?
Rob: No, they suck
Spence: Fuckin' chink
by Splancer January 20, 2006
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