Trinidadian term meaning messed up or uncentered.
cokee-eyed (uneven gaze)
cokee-legged (tibia valgus/varus)
by Youssef AKA sTrEtCh February 17, 2006
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I snorted som coke after I drank some coke.
by AAA March 16, 2005
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bleugh!!!! pepsi!!! MMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! coke!!
by Shortman October 6, 2004
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The beautiful hoochie-coochie that I snort up my nose on saturday nights with Blee.
God Damn! Das some good Hooch! Hey Blee, wanna......?
by Prof. Bleesome December 14, 2003
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a cover up word for saying cock in public
yo dog some lady grabbed my coke last night at the party then proceeded to suck it.
by sukabigcokeacola August 16, 2010
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Superior to Pepsi when in a bottle, inferior to Pepsi when in a can.
People that hate Pepsi but love coke should be shot, because they're not different enough for you to be able to care that much.
by Chernorizets Hrabr July 7, 2004
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In the south, namely Mississippi, any carbonated beverage. Coke, Sprite, Dr. Pepper... doesn't matter. It's a Coke.
1: Hey, Mary, get me a coke while you're out there.
2: Sure, what kind?
3: A Dr. Pepper fo sho!!!!!!
by thasme March 4, 2008
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