When a mad person is not happy with you he will take you out
I was slagging this girl and it turns out her father is mad. He is going to have me clipped
by Jonny Sheridan December 20, 2013
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if you look disguisting or dressed like a retard
'erggh what you got on you manky clip'
by anthhughes June 15, 2013
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1)I came home and realized that mf had clipped my two new cds

2)You better not let your guard down or you'll turn around and find that something will have been clipped from you.

3)That strumpet he brought home from the club went through his wallet while he was asleep and got him for a c note and one of his credit cards.
by dermdoc December 21, 2005
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A concatenation of cunt and lips. A man or woman who thinks that they are gods gift to the world. Typically they have very little social awareness and tend to make everyone around them hate them. Irresponsible and prone to preying on younger individuals of the opposite (or same) sex.
Guy A: Dude, Clips just got fired at work.
Guy B: How completely unexpected. What did he do now?
Guy A: Had sex with an underage girl at work.
Guy B: Figures the only pussy he can get is the impressionable kind.
by Who's Awesome February 4, 2010
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to pilfer, to steal without immediate knowledge of the victim,

to steal while the victim is caught off guard

BOOST filch pinch
While I was sleeping, that ho went through my wallet and clipped me for a hundred dollars.

I went through my closet and found my new Jordans were missing.
by JLAN March 27, 2005
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1. The magazine that goes in a firearm.
2. To kill someone.
1. "I busted down the door and emptied an entire clip into that fool, he died 8 times before he hit the ground."
2. "Jimmy got clipped 'coz he talked."
by Diego September 2, 2003
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a little bit of tobacco added to a joint to aid the effects
first guy: "yo, i've only smoked half this joint and im already buzzed!"
second guy: "haha yea man, its cauz i put in a bit of clip."
by .c.A.k.e. December 22, 2005
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