Someone who figured out how to use a useless thing, but usually gets laughed at.
Person 1: This girl I met some days ago...
Person 2: What about her?
Person 1: figured out how to play Minecraft, COD, and VALORANT on her RTX Intel i47 64 TB RAM 1024 TB Storage Chromebook and beat me all of those games
Person 2: So she's a chromebook geek?
Person 1: I mean, she made a useless web browsing child device into a gaming pc!
Person 3: Person 1, your new girl is just a stupid person who never understands what things can and cannot do.
by iExtensionClutch January 4, 2021
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Niggas so broke they really be using they school-provided chromebooks
chromebook niggas really be fingering they assholes😂🖕🏿
by Nigga hole December 20, 2019
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A low quality shit tier computer that middle schools hand out. This version doesnt have the touch screen, and is thus inferior and a big piece of electronic shit.
Chromebook (the bad version)s were being handed out at the cafeteria.
by EDP4040450 February 1, 2022
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Just grab a vaccume, and succ.
Me: Ayo homie dont forget to vaccume your chromebook today.

Friend: Why?

Me: Its National Vaccume Your chromebook Day!

Friend? Bullshit.
by zeven717 April 25, 2021
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See craptop... but even worse... No features. Slow. Outdated. Useless.
I hate this Chromebook... it's so fucking slow and useless!!
by Ikethefluff February 24, 2022
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