Second best university in the world, following Harvard. Second best university in the United Kingdom, trailing Oxford. And forever will it be second best.
Boyfriend: You're beautiful. Very beautiful. But I'm looking for a Harvard, you know?
Girlfriend: Excuse me!?
Boyfriend: You see, you're just a Cambridge.
Girlfriend: Cambridge -- Cambridge University?
Boyfriend: Yeah. You see, Britney is an Oxford. You're just not there yet.
by revolting elitist January 31, 2010
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A comma used incorrectly based on an incorrect understanding of how commas work. Commonly found wherever someone might breathe for emphasis when reading the sentence.
This, is an example of a Cambridge comma.
by onneb April 14, 2019
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A dictionary is traditional but is becoming more like the urban dictionary when the British council cannot handle the misuse of their so-called "words." Many people think that they are taking the lead in defining words, but more and more of the words used on the internet are becoming their definitions.
3yrs old: "Mom, a dude just called me a noob in Fortnite!, can you look it up in the Cambridge dictionary?"
Milf: "Is it the word that the neighbor's kids have been calling me on the chat? I'm pretty sure they don't have it."
3yr old: "But it says here that i'm someone who just started playing Fortnite, but i have played it for 2 years!!"
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95% Douchebags, 1% Cool People, 1% Hot People, 1% Average People, 1% Orange and Black, 1% Fake Gangsters. Oh lord Cambridge sucks more then Hoosick Falls.
Kid 1: Imma Stab You
Kid 2: Bitch This Ain't Cambridge, NY
by MayhamMonsterz January 10, 2017
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Born Catherine Elizabeth Middleton (aka Kate) on 9 January 1982 in Berkshire, England, to Carole and Michael Middleton, Catherine was notably the on-and-off again girlfriend of Prince William of Wales, the first son of Lady Diana Spencer and Prince Charles of Wales.

On 16 November 2010, Clarence House announced the engagement of Miss Catherine Elizabeth Middleton to Prince William of Wales and on 29 April 2011, Miss Catherine Middleton married Prince William of Wales. Prince William was made His Royal Highness Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron Carrickfergus. Likewise, Catherine is titled Her Royal Highness the Princess William, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn, Baroness Carrickfergus and is most commonly known as Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.

Her husband the Duke of Cambridge is second in line to the throne and should he become king, Catherine will be Queen Consort.

She is often noted for her fashion sense.
HRH The Duchess of Cambridge is often found on the cover of various magazines due to her style of dressing.
by Anonymous_2012 March 12, 2012
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The dictionary used by the most idiotic people. Also known as the antonym of Urban Dictionary
guy1: yo bruh, memorized the entire cambridge dictionary
guy2: fuckin' unintellectuals
by deathcop4000 March 28, 2018
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