Non-descriptive excuse someone gives you when they're trying to get out of meeting or spending time with you. Similar to "I have plans". Basically means they're not that into you.
Girl: Hey, you're on vacation this week right? Wanna come over and hang out?

Guy: Sorry I can't; I'm busy
by Wallaceville August 29, 2020
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Biz-ness. Meaning cool or legit.
Joe: I just aced my biology final.
Steve: Business.
by imabison August 31, 2010
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someone being over complexed about something.
by busy_man October 23, 2010
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to have done business or will be doing business with someone
"It was a pleasure businessing with you today"

"I look forward to businessing with you"

"Thank you for businessing with us"
by Carliela Marie January 23, 2010
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term used for a girl who is down with giving head to any guy, anytime, and any place.
"Ayo shorty, you with the business?"
response: "yea daddy, gimme bout 10 minutes!"
by Hollerback Girl January 27, 2006
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To beast another person, group or object extremely hard. The average energy output of a business dealing equates to around 4x10(1834) J. Because of inadequacies with modern technology, the emotional effects of giving the business are unmeasurable.
"Farica wanted me to pay child support, but I gave her the business and now she's a paraplegic."
by CEO of the Business August 3, 2008
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