Somebody that moves to your neighborhood from theirs, and gets embarrassed by your presence there because they thought they owned the place.
I knew you back before you had a house, a car, or a job, and before you moved to my neighborhood and claimed to be a seasoned, award-winning somebody here, back when you ran to your mother and had her have your father threaten (or woop) somebody instead of the police in your own neighborhood. Arrogant is something you didn't get from your family.
by Solid Mantis May 2, 2021
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Convincing people in an area they need you because you believe they do is arrogance. People that are home don't need a welcome from anybody else there, and nobody could make them unwelcome there, because they are home.
The artists didn't make the neighborhood cool with their art. The neighborhood was already cool and diverse before the art and gentrification. If anything, most people thought these artists were mostly dorks that saw the same dollar signs developers did. Arrogance was what made these folks think they were making anything cool.
by The Original Agahnim October 6, 2021
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The kind of arrogance that stems from the feeling of having seen everything on the internet, so that nothing is new or cool anymore. A symptom is the constant use of the word "old".
"Have you heard about *insert news from 2 seconds ago*?"
"Classic case of internet arrogance"
by Spidi April 18, 2010
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A person who is far too cocky, vain, over-prided, delusional, and happy and often considers themselves much more better than other people by many things, some obvious, some more subtle.
Jack is a real arrogant douchebag
by Mr. TrollStone August 1, 2012
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A guy who believes he is the greatest thing that ever exist on Earth when the reality is he has mental issues relating to his ego
Any male character on MTV's The Hills; Spencer is such an arrogant asshole, I can't believe a girl could actually have respect for him
by Elle Mann May 8, 2008
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The sense of superiority one feels upon return from an overseas holiday. The bearer of travel arrogance will view their friends at home as boring compared to the people they met overseas, most likely in a hostel. They will then isolate themselves from often long established friends, under the mistaken view that their travels have had a profound change on their personality. TA can afflict people who have been away for a mere few weeks and is most prevalent among those in their early twenties.
Kate had so much fun getting drunk on the beach in Bali, she broke up with Tom as soon as she got home. He knew she had caught travel arrogance as soon as he saw her braided hair at the airport.
by ErkoTom March 9, 2011
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To dine with friends and spend a ridiculously amount of money on food and drink. The amount of courses to be consumed should be no less than 4 and should always end with a cheese board. A new alcoholic beverage should be served with each course and the participants must have an Irish coffee to finish. Purchasing the most expensive and extravagant dish is encouraged ie. Lobster. The evenings entertainment should consist of loud banter throughout with all parties involved. Receipt of arrogant meal must be kept a paraded to any challengers who think they can outperform.
The Surrey Gentleman's Dining Club have invited us for an arrogant meal.
by coxydog14 February 12, 2015
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