the coolest band ever! They are not emo though...
V:the All-American Rejects rock
V:I love Nick's shoes!
by Vee-ronica August 26, 2006
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A terrible band with little or no musical talent. The All American Rejects were a one-hit wonder for a while. Unfortunately, they have continued to record more terrible material and have started becoming popular amongst pop-punk kids and kids who think they are emo. Thankfully, however, their scene remains mostly dominated by 13 and 14 year-old girls.
by character zero June 21, 2006
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the gayest someone can get legally in the U.S.A many the guys that publicy display affection in a busy place(malls or amusment parks) these people know that they are gay and try to show it. they will tell everyone they know. this word can only refer to gay guys. also if the people are in a diffrent country you can't call them All American Gay.
"tyler is such a All American Gay". "dude you are All American Gay". "y you got to act like an All American Gay"
by silent eagle November 22, 2007
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a great band formed by lead singer/frontman tyson ritter and nick wheeler in stillwater, oklahoma later adding chris gaylor and mike kennerty good music. hott and the only reason people like them is cuz of there one hit wonder "dirty little secret" theres better songs in that album hence, stab my back, and dance inside. check out eyelash wishes, and kiss yourself goodbye as well.
omg! did you the all american rejects?
yaa they were awsome!
i hope to get a concert ticket
by **BLAHblahBLAH** January 13, 2008
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Another maroon5 band going die out in six months. Girls usually call this band the best band in the world only because the leader singer looks hot.
Girl: OMG All American Rejects' music is sooo deep and Tyson Ritter is soooo hot.

6months later

Girl: All American who?
by God-fearing-preacher June 6, 2005
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Perhaps one of the worst bands to ever record music. Examples of All-American Rejects sucking ass can be seen in any of thier crap-hole songs including (but not limited to) "Swing swing" and "Dirty little secret". These guys have zero talent and shouldn't offend peoples eardrums much longer, as thier 15 minutes of fame is on its 14th minute.
Idiot: Wanna listen to the All American Rejects?

Normal Person: No, I'd rather take a crap into a blender set on "Puree"
by The Music Police December 30, 2005
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A bunch of whinney little girls in what is meant to be some sort of indie-pop-boyband mixture. Overall, thier music seems to sounds like some sort of retarded siren, or banshee singing into a microphone with the screetches of whats seems like broken, distorted guitars and rythmic drumming that is at the level of a two year old infant, then all mixed together to form the infamous, worst band ever, The All-American Rejects.
Guy one: Oh my god, what is that sound?

Guy two: The new single from the All-American Rejects!!!

Guy one: It sounds like shit!

Guy two: I know!
by Toppsy Krettz July 13, 2009
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