I got mugged downtown last night, but some cops gave the neighborhood a Compton alarm clock and the thug bolted.
by Oniichan~ July 24, 2009
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The Alabama Alarm Clock is the method of waking a woman up by sticking your cock in her ear.
Your mom wasn't up to cook me breakfast, so I remedied the problem with the Alabama Alarm Clock.
by Alexander Marzec July 27, 2006
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girl & guy are sleeping. guy quietly gets up, starts beating off, then yells so the girl leans up, then blows on her face.
i so pulled a tennessee alarm clock on my ex to break up with her.
by morgannnnn:) January 5, 2009
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when a girl goes down on you to wake you up.
yo want some coffee?
no i just got a sexy alarm clock im wide awake!
by goind0wnlikeA ph@t.B October 28, 2013
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The act of waking someone up by ejaculating on them.
Rip Van Winkle would not wake up until he received an Alaskan Alarm Clock.
by Chief Ten Peckers February 15, 2010
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when you are woken up by a hand job
My Monday morning improved significantly when Susan woke me up with a spicy alarm clock.
by crimlaw February 9, 2016
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Falling asleep with a full beer in your hand, waking up to it spilling on you, after you shift positions in your sleep.
He was so drunk last night that he turned on his Redneck Alarm clock.
by Donavan Murdoc July 15, 2009
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