a person who fights for free and compulsory inclusion of cum in the daily diet. also / and
a person who actively participates in pro cum rallys on the steps of parliament
sally Jane was a pioneer in the pro cum movement of the 90s she was a passionate cum activist
by farkeyew April 20, 2016
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A career spent not having to work that is usually the result of inheriting money from your parents.
My buddy Bob is a leisure activist. He hasn't ever had a job and he lives off of his annual dividend check from his parent's company. I think he just got back from 6 months in Thailand.
by p mammen November 22, 2009
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(1) A group or movement that is all talk

(2) The Pro Black or Conscious Movement such as Umar Johnson tyriq Nasheed Po Light young pharaoh etc.
Pro blacks talk about the prison industrial system but do not start their own Law Firm or pay for Bale

Pro blacks talk about black poverty but do not start their own company to employ any of their people

Pro black slam Street protest but they say that their holds and be actionless activist
by EmJayee October 14, 2017
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(noun) A person who engages in political activism in order to encourage laws to protect people from themselves, such as the laws that have required hair dryers to be tagged with warnings about the possibility of electrocution if the appliance is used in the bathtub, or warnings on food blenders stating the dangers of sticking one's finger into the spinning blades.

Also, Nanny-activism: (noun) The state of being a nanny-activist. Also, the actions, themselves.
A nanny-activist group in California is now lobbying for the state to require warnings on fast-food french fry containers and advertisements for same, which state that eating too many greasy french fried potatoes is bad for you.
by Kaichi Satake June 25, 2006
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Politician comfortably seated within a position of power that makes decisions and policy for everyone to follow but themselves.
Congress is nothing but a bunch of armchair activists railing at one another and causing hell for the common people.
by Sythrael September 24, 2011
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People who are supremacists and hate on other races (mostly African american). they often anonymously go by the name George to avoid detection. These people are generally republicans and have large concentrations in the south.
KKK activist: death to all African Americans!!

African American: noooooooooooo
by onlytruthfuldefinitions October 17, 2013
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N. Someone who is all for sexual activity. They see no wrong in someone engaging in sexual activity.
Bill: Hey D what's your opinion on sex?
D: As a sex activist, I think you can have as much sex as you want! Be safe!
by YaGurlD October 28, 2015
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