Originating from Modern Warfare 2, an in-game phrase during online play that the announces to your team that a enemy was lucky enough to score an 11 kill-streak and has earned the chance to unleash destruction at the pulling of a trigger.

Hearing this phrase brings panic and chaos and generally leads to 1 of 3 things happening:

1) Players immediately run for the nearest form of cover (e.g. : buildings, houses, etc).

2) A more senior player will whip out a Javelin or AT-4 and aim it at the AC130 in hopes of bringing the rampage to an end before the pilot racks up a 25 kill streak for a nuke.

or 3) Newer players will stand out in the open and fire their guns at the plane, trying to bring it down. This is usually met by a 105mm round or 40mm round from the airplane above.

Following the announcement of the AC130's arrival, chaos ensues along with the howling entrance of 105mm rounds blasting the map to smithereens.
Computer Voice: "Enemy AC130 Above!!!"

Player 1: "Ahh shit, run for cover!"

Player 2: "Hey, I have an AT-4. I'll shoot it down."

Player 3: "Take that! What is that sound... Oh noo!! BOOM."
by clickclack43 April 10, 2010
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Some One who will act gay, but will not engage in sexual intercourse with some one from the same sex
Person #1: You're so gay!
Person #2: Yee, I am gay above the belt
by Brayden.un.Branded June 15, 2008
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Used When a person is named Joe (usually a male, but there are females named Joe) who is attractive, and cannot fall into the Average Joe stereotype because their looks exceed the average person.
Thot 1: Omg that dude Joe in our Bio class is cute af, I would make out with him in front of my friends just to brag ;)
Thot 2: Omg yasss he’s what we call an Above Average Joe
Both Thots: Sighhhh he sooo cute awww
by Chad Wellington the 3rd January 26, 2019
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a tatoo on a womans back above her ass. Also known as a tramp stamp. Often the tatoo is flowers, wings, or tribal.
When she turned on her barstool, I saw she had ink above the stink and i lost interest in the ho.
by rednblueb November 24, 2008
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1) a smegging awesome battle cry
2) an arial attack that brings an immense smashing force downward over an opponent
<jumps into the air> DEATH FROM ABOVE!!! <smashes jocks head in>
by Spaz De Kat January 15, 2009
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Generally any sort of weapon, be it bombs, live ammo or hell anything that rains down upon the earth and causes mass death and devastation. Also known as Raining Death.

1. During the Vietnam War, the ground troops were usually attacked from entrenched enemies from all sides, so the called in artillery and bombers to drop some death from above on the dinks. And during the battle of Hamburger Hill, instead of bombing the thing, they decided to send human soldiers up the hill. In 10 days the divisions that went up that hill suffered over 70% casualties.
by Deathstriker6666 April 27, 2006
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