hot cheeto girl / ghetto person who you would assume is looking for takis, your typical ghetto snack.
“oh look over at the hot cheeto girls they prolly lookin for takis”
by gotthismoneyonme June 14, 2021
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When you eat takis and the dust gets on your toes
Boyfriend: lets see them toes girl… wait why are your toes red?

Girlfriend: sorry i was eating takis earlier, its called taki toes

Boyfriend: …Hot
by Sorry, its the truth December 9, 2021
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Water mixed with taki chips to make it spicy
Man 1 “yo I just had so much taki water
Man 2 “I hope u don’t get high
by Taki master January 19, 2021
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When a man dips his balls in taki’s and a women licks it off.
I gave my girlfriend a taki balls surprise when she got home from work
by HovDaddy6090 September 3, 2021
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When an Indian downy spills Takis on his new samsung tablet playing clash royale, he will also throw some Pepsi on it too for his minecraft build. It is like cheeto Ipad except the person says AMMMAAAA WHERE IS MY TAKI TABLUTT. He then gets bored and breaks a wall in a bazaar.
"That guy is such a taki tablet he spilled Pepsi and Takis all over his iPad and broke a wall in a bazaar!"
by Karthik soap June 1, 2017
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A circlejerk around a plate of takis. The last person to cum has to eat ALL the takis.
"Hey bro, the Princeton kids were playing Soggy Taki in the bathroom yesterday."
by Papi SpeedyShy April 4, 2017
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