An overrated, hypocritical poser who complains about social issues he's never experienced, who went to college and is from the suburbs; much like the typical, mindless MTV teenage liberal who composes the the majority of his fanbase.
As a producer he's above average but is a terrible rapper. Anything he bitches about was already said by Ice Cube on Death Certificate, except that when Ice Cube spit it and Da Lench Mob produced his shit, it turned out to be one of the top 10 rap albums ever, something Kanye West could never ever accomplish even if he could live for 100 more years. Isn't fit to hold the jockstraps of real social commentary rappers, such as Public Enemy, KRS-One, Dead Prez, Mr. Lif, etc...
Kanye West making a song with Jamie Foxx about gold diggers just screams controversial, social commentary relevant to these terrible times!
by protro August 24, 2006
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a gay fish and/or a black racist with musical talent that has a habit of making a fool of himself on television; also claims to be Jesus
"Did you see that Kanye West on TV"

"Yeah, he's a jackass"
by trogdor0086 September 20, 2009
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A very ignorant, arrogant, retarded, and racist african american. Or should I say black, which comment isn't racist Kanye? He does not have incredible flow, but has made some above average beats.
Kanye West says: On hurricane Katrina, "George Bush doesn't care about black people." (Ignorant/Retarded/Racist) "They've given them permission to go down (to New Orleans) and shoot us (black people)." (Ignorant/Retarded/Racist)
by Nayr February 3, 2006
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Synonomous with or can replace "Douchebag" or "DB"
Can be used in a sentence as "Man, that guy is such a Kanye West/Kanye." or "He said that?! What a KW!"
by em125 September 15, 2009
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First of all, I hate him as a rapper, producer and person. He is the biggest arrogant twat i have ever known. He thinks he is bigger than... pretty much everything. However although he himself thinks he is amazing (unwarranted), and cannot rap for shit, calling himself the messiah of hip-hop etc, saying that Jesus Walks is the best song ever, this is not the thing i hate most.
What i hate most is that:
1. People agree that he is the messiah of hiphop - he cannot rap for shit. Some would say he is a decent producer and i cannot deny it, although i would not agree, but what i would say is, College Dropout and Late Registration are 2 of the worst albums i possess (d/l and only so that i can hate on them)
2. He thinks it's cool to drop out of college - why is it cool? If he thinks he's hood for dropping out of college, then what planet is he on. I would have much more respect for him if he was educated, and HAD gone to college.
3. His unbelievable arrogance.
4. His popularity; his music is basically pop, and he gets huge acclaim for it. Why? WHY? I really don't understand it. I almost cry when i hear people say that a song such as 'Gold Digger' is good. It's appalling. He IS saying she's a Gold Digger; that's the whole point of the song.
My friend has a theory that any song, with a shit, repetitive beat, and barely any verse with tons of bridge, hook and chorus, can do well, and after initially doubting it, i see no reason to disagree. I could name hundreds, the best example being 'My Humps' Even the verse is ridiculously uninventive; 'I met a girl, down at the disco, she said hey, hey hey hey let's go!'
I bet that took a load of thinking up, then,
'My Humps, My Humps, My Humps, My Humps, My Lovely Lady Lumps...' It's death in the medium of song, and that is essentially what Kanye is doing in most of his songs. Maybe he is unique, but for me unique in a bad way.

I am possibly saying all this just because i hate most popular music, and i hate crossover; if someone is a rap artist, rap, don't do it for the money. There have been artists who have managed to stay good and make tons - Pac, Biggie, Dre (to an extent). So why does Kanye do pop and call himself a messiah. They already have Usher, Britney... They don't need another popstar.
I hate Kanye West. He deserves to die...
by Kanye Hater February 17, 2006
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a racist, african american rapper. ruined the 2009 VMA's for Taylor Swift.
ex. 1 Did you see what Kanye West did to Taytay??

ex. 2 President Obama calls Kayne West a "jackass"
by singohaulic93 September 17, 2009
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An obnoxious pig, who steals award moments and great achievements from innocent teenage girls and the world hates him for it.
Person: Hey did you hear about kanye west jumping on stage at the -

Person 2: Imma let you finish but Beyonce had the best video of ALL TIME ALL TIME.

Person: WTF man?
by Faithmh January 2, 2010
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