black and white purse: when a tall black girl who is depressed but rich is friends with a white short girl who has trauma past and is depressed their friendship is awkward and fun because they are both bisexual but one is more open about it.
they have sexual\dating tension and one loves hugs but the other is not so lovely about it a lot of people think they should date but they just see each other as friends.
omg her and she are like those black and white purses friends
yeah..we are def a black and white purse
by lily huij February 22, 2021
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The defenition of this is when a tall black girl who hates affection is friends with a short white girl, both have anxiety and depression and one most likely has childhood trauma. They have a very fun and awkward friendship and often find themselves in sexual tension moments because they are both bisexual usely the white one one has a promlem with talking to much and they both most likely skate. a lot of folks think they should date but they see eachother as just friends.
omg their friendship is like a black and white purse

yeaaa me and you definitely have a black and white purse friendship!
by lily huij February 22, 2021
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The act of pouring melting wax in the butthole of one's partner, while said partner spreads each cheek.
Hey man, has your girl ever given you a black wick
by @OrtizChris December 3, 2016
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When a girl kicks you until your balls become black, resembaling a black hackysack.
Person 1: My girl gave me a black hackysack last night, i still cant sit down

Person 2: Damn that's crazy.
by TheBlackDemon December 13, 2016
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A Black Thumb is the male equivalent of a black widow. It's a toxic, narcissistic man who is poisonous to everyone he encounters, much like Henry the VIII. His heart is black as the underworld, and he's as attractive as a thumb, hence black thumb.
Her: Are you still dating Killian?

Me: That guy is a black thumb, I'm embarrassed I ever dated him.
by Siouxsie Supertramp September 26, 2023
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One that constantly kills indoor plants. The opposite of having a green thumb.
Ann killed all her house plants. She has a black thumb.
by Bk102886 November 14, 2020
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When black parents have a child that is light skinned as fuck.
“How can Craig be so light skinned when both his parents are black as night.. he’s looking like a can of diet black
by BuddyISlove November 29, 2020
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