when your fingers are bigger than your penis
“wow dave did you put your penis inside her?” “no man she said it was too small so I was stuck finger blasting her instead”
by heiwhduxhehw March 23, 2018
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When a finger is inserted up to the 3rd knuckle.
Dude, Gavin just told me Katie deceided to get a little freaky and go finger to the power of knuckle on him whilst providing oral pleasure.
by Street Lethal January 30, 2011
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A hypotheticalshoe that is part ugg, part croc, and part those weird toe shoes called five-fingers. The unholy foot trinity. All hail the exalted shoe.
H: I emailed DSW an idea for finger crugg shoes.
M: What are those?
H: They’re like the turducken of footwear. The warmth of ugg boots, the toe separation of those weird toe shoes, and of course the holiness of croc shoes. Perfection.
M: I need these in my life immediately.
by hm.athena February 18, 2021
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When you've fingered a bitch for so long your fingers get wrinkly and pruned.
I was fingering Trace in Maccas car-park for so long last night I got bathtub fingers.
by Rusty Spoon Fingers March 23, 2018
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A man puts his finger in the woman's vagina held in place with a vice. The man keeps it there until his finger nearly looses it's circulation and then they stop.
by SquidgyWidgy December 28, 2021
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When you are such a cheap bitch that you go to Primark and buy a shit £1 set of false nails and not content with only getting 1 pair out of them, your mate makes them fit her nails too.
Awwww look, finger twins!
by Loopy Lamb December 24, 2015
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