when you're just so done wit people's shit that you wanna square up
"touch me again hoe, I fucking dare you, touch me again, I ain't playin wit you"
"dumbass hoe, you think i'm playin wit you, but i'm not. square the fuck up, bitch!"
by Cherries and Wine January 23, 2019
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This is my name for the notorious "Final Fantasy House's" "mini-cult." It's a joke on the owners, claiming to be reincarnated Final Fantasy 7 Characters, such as "Jenova," and "Sephiroth." It's also a joke on Jehovas' Witnesses.
I have met some people, who claim to be from the Jenova's Witnesses, and claim Jenova saved them! They reject Jenova's appearance in Final Fantasy 7, being called "The Calamity," and instead calls it a blessing!
by jrpgkin April 14, 2022
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Is what you say when someone is leading someone else to a conclusion that they wouldn’t have otherwise drawn without your input. They use this all the time in courtroom dramas and I’ve seen some of those which means I’m technically a layer. No big deal or anything...
Hym “He was clearly NOT going to say ‘wisdom.’ He said ‘FREEDOM’ and was not going to say wisdom until YOU said wisdom. So... Um, leading the witness your honor! That’s the second time in those clips that you did it too! You did it to the other guy too!”

Dr. Moses Aaronson “Wouldn’t you say that the conclusion you’re trying to draw is the conclusion I want you draw and that I already have drawn in the past?”

Professor Junior Senior-Esquire the 3rd “Why YES! I was! I was going to say that! And I was in no way lead to that conclusion by you leading me there! I’m not here to be a sycophantic yes man whose sole purpose is to affirm your subjective interpretation of the Bible!”

Hym “Ha! Ridiculous! I just saved everyone reading this the trouble of watching your Exodus lecture. That’s all it is. You aggregating your cronies to affirm your propositional ethic. ‘God is too perfect for anyone to be around so I, Dr. Jeeple Jorpson, need to act as an intermediary for it’s will! You need the structure I provide because you can’t be trusted to make decisions because you are basically an animal to me! Or worse if you’re Hym!”
by Hym Iam November 27, 2022
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To be exposed unknowingly and unwillingly to the act of another individual defecating in a public area.
Did that man just take a shit in someone's front yard??? If you saw what I just saw, you have just become a fellow Shit Witness! For counseling please contact 1-800-SHI-TWIT or attend your local ShitWit Anonymouis meeting.
by Psycho Whiteboy,V.V. March 3, 2012
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Fawking wit ya is a term used by retarded English men to explain that they were just jolking with one of their mates.
Ex: "Oi you there, yeah the pig fucker in the back. You's a cunt licker. Just fawking wit ya."
by Knee-Grow united June 4, 2018
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When you found out that that triflin' man IS the father of yo child and you wanna let him kno' you expect a check in the mail in 20-30 business days post-appearance on Maury.
Ride wit it, Harry! Ride wit it!
by bowle'd April 6, 2017
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