What a girl lays on her back and you run and jump and try to make your dick in her
I jumped to high in flying monkey and broke my dick

Josh horn
by Punts March 29, 2022
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Any being in the primate specification who is impregnated and gives birth to two or more babies. When it takes place, it looks like the mother is being pumped and resembles a hose. Also called the cannon of life.
Jim: Dude, I saw a monkey giving birth in the Amazon yesterday! There was like five babies and a lot of blood.

Todd: Oh my god a monkey pump! That is hot.
by John Steinbech April 11, 2011
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A monkey's naughty bits. The part of the monkey that you don't want to see.
That monkey was touching his monkey bumbles in front of the kids.
by jasoninalbany May 30, 2008
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To punch some one in the back of the head.
When your fucking a girl from behind, you monkey bumble her in the back of the head as hard as you can, then fuck her in the ass
by that kid righht there August 6, 2006
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When a Haitian shits into a coconut and then puts the coconut on someone’s head
Kaden: Yo I saw someone get a monkey hat last night!
Jamal: That was me!
by Daddy Piccolae December 24, 2021
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To down a drink, especially pint, very quickly
He’s only gone and mr monkeyed it.
by Mimickhickory599 January 18, 2023
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Another word for a three-some
The guy ask the 2 girls if they want to play monkey monkey football
by j-me lynn January 14, 2014
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