A game where you put a booger on a quarter and place it face down then wait for someone to pick it up and yell booger quarter-similar to poop dollar.
Watch out for that quarter on the ground-it may be a booger quarter.
by sofa_king July 15, 2014
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The morning after doing cocaine and breathing in through your nose dumps the cocaine laced snot down your throat getting you high again.
No coffee, I just had my booger bump but thanks for offering!
by Ex Nihilo 333 February 26, 2022
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When your hair is the same color as your skin tone.
"Hannah's hair is the same color as her skin"
"That means she's an eye booger"
by $kylar156 June 6, 2019
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When a guy ejaculates into a person's eye whether by mistake or intentional.
While giving her boyfriend road head, the women became upset when he gave her an eye booger instead of aiming for her mouth.
by Celestialnirvana January 3, 2020
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One who slurps or sucks the boogers out of their significant others nose.
by ravensfan1 January 14, 2021
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When a person sneezes during a pelvic thrust and in turn sends a booger flying.
PersonA: Dude I totally sneezed during sex last night, her vagina was as stuffy as my nose.

PersonB: Dude you did the Booger Thrust!
by Lambo. January 13, 2013
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An extremely snotty, annoying, usually deliberately obnoxious person. This person goes above and beyond mere snotty-ness. Usually used when you really want to say "asshole" "dick" or "cunt" but can't.
My boss is a booger-napkin. He has long boring staff meeting every pay day.

My cat the original booger-napkin peed in my shoe.

Give me back the TV remote you booger-napkin!

You are a booger- napkin when you drink!
by Tupac Insecure April 14, 2014
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