Also referred to as an "Aussie circumcision" or "Outback circumcision." It is a procedure in which 2 uncircumcised people sew their foreskins together and pull away quickly, ripping one or both of their foreskins off.
Person 1: "Why the fuck is there blood everywhere, and why is old mate screaming!?"
Person 2: "He did an Australian Circumcision with his bud"
by Sarin_Nox May 20, 2023
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The act of butting bees into a hollow piece of wood, then using it as a vibrator.
Friend: do you want to try an Australian Beehive with me?

You: no that's fucking weird, why would I want to do that?
by oofoofoofpoop January 11, 2020
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The act of putting bees into a hollow piece of wood, then using it as a vibrator.
Friend: do you want to try an Australian Beehive with me?

You: no, that's fucking weird.
by oofoofoofpoop January 11, 2020
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One bites the concrete curb. The Australian mafia brings 7 kangaroos to each individually stomp ones head into paste on the curb. Then the kangaroos could consume the mutilated corpse and the Australian performs the sacred ritual involving boomerang penetration.
Ah man my friend Chris just got Australian Curb Stomped.
by Widened.urethra July 24, 2018
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a person who dost give a fuck about politics and say's the words fuck,shit,cunt, and consistently says fuck off a wank stain
american:" hey whats a true Australian" other average american " idk someone who lives upside down
by a person you fucking retard September 30, 2019
A regular reacharound except you're both hanging upside down. Sometimes called the Auzzie Roundabout. It doesn't have to be homosexual, you can do this with a man or woman and sometimes you can switch roles, but role switching would involve a strap-on depending on the gender of those involved.
"The Australian reacharound is a very intimate position and is recommended towards married couples."
by ItzzStupidCrazy September 20, 2019
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Some made up shit that Aussies come up with to make them selves sound like Americans.
Australian: Hey I’m American-Australian

American: Go back to your country thats not a thing
by DSRPHASWEIRD May 14, 2019
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