The act of licking the edge of the opening of another person’s nostril for the purpose of sexual gratification
“Man, Susannah and I totally made out last night”
“Yeah, she even gave me a Mormon rimjob.”
“Nice, brother.”
by TeaPartyMonster September 10, 2021
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A term describing mormon events, church duties, religious practices, reading material, generally anything involving the mormon religion or culture.

Usually used by a mormon to a non-mormon who doesn't want further inquire further in his doings or whereabouts, because the non-mormon won't agree, or understand anyway.

Used by mormons to get out of something, and scapegoating it on their church.

Used my non-mormons to describe the behavior of a mormon, or to ridicule a non-mormon for exemplar behavior.
Non-Mormon: Want to hang out this Sunday?
Mormon: Nah dude, I have mormon stuff to do.

Non-Mormon: What are you reading?
Mormon: Mormon Stuff

Non-Mormon: Want to go to the bar with me tonight?
Mormon: I'll pass. I have mormon stuff to do.

Non-Mormon 1: Let's go to the strip club.
Non-Mormon 2: Nah, I have mormon stuff to do.

Sherie to a girlfriend: Jim didn't want to go for a late night skinny dip at the lake, he had better mormon stuff to do.
by grace52775 August 24, 2011
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Mormon women. Click-ish, horrible women who act “Christ-like” to your face and gossip behind your back. The Mormon version of a succubus, so no physical touch or any companionship, just friendly enough to extract information from you to report negative news to the “leadership” of the branch or ward, which they turn around and use as Mormon blackmail, insisting that you must do as they say or else face outer darkness.
A: Is the Mormon relief society doing anything to combat poverty?

B: fuck no
by Rabbitfox February 21, 2021
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An erection for the anus before marriage and for every orifice after.
Brad: I got that Mormon Boner.
Thad: You two aren’t married. Better get Becky some Depends.
by Johnny1981 September 12, 2021
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A game in which you have a threesome with two mormons of the opposite sex who are both sad and depressed, so you use their tears as lube on your peen.
Person 1: Ayo you see those two girls I think they’re Mormons
Person 2: Yeah I played a game of sad Mormons with them
Person 1: Dude that’s fuckin gnarly
by lolninjahasligma July 29, 2018
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When a person rests their dick on another person's tongue while lying down and jiggles their penis by giggling. Also known as a John Smith.
Oh yeah, I got a Mormon blow job last night while watching Veggie Tales - I laughed so hard I came all over her face!

Jane only John Smiths me, it's too bad she won't let me watch cat fails while doing it... I'd blow such a load if a rat started chasing a cat around.
by humdrumcumfun6669 March 25, 2023
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Verb. To sniper-mormon someone
A means of forcing the Mormon religion onto a resistant other through historical documentation.
Grandchild 1: "Wait, so was Grandma basically saying that she sniper-mormoned Grandpa?"
Grandchild 2: "I think so... Is that even legal?"
Grandchild 1: "Oh my God...You don't think sh-
Do you think if we go before she does she'll try to sniper-mormon us too?"
by kevmosis September 8, 2009
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