
This term has two possibles meaning;
1. Something which is both shit and shocking
2. Something so shocking that it has proverbial the ability to shock shit itself
1. "Dave's car accident was shit-shocking"
2. "That cow giving birth to an alligator on the News was so unexpected that it was shit-shocking!"
by Bobbinog July 11, 2009
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Related to jocksockshock - the act of catching your stepdad with his face buried in your sweaty, stinking socks and sneakers thus confirming that he is gay or bi and loves your male sweat smells -a potential source of blackmail. You now tease him in front of your mom by taking off your shoes and socks and making sure he sees your bare feet.
Dude I really wasn't sure if my stepdad was into my feet or not. I got sock shock now knowing for sure when I saw him with my sweaty socks and sneakers up to his nose.
by Watchinfool October 6, 2023
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A shocking suprise.

When you and your girl are having sex and she puts on gloves en suddenly gets a ael out of a bucket and shoves it up your ass. The ael will then electrocute your anus. She now preformed the shocking surprise on you.
Yo bro sit down. Sorry bro i can't my anus got electrocuted by my girlfriend while she was performing a shocking surprise
by Diepzeekroket November 30, 2019
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Most commonly used when someone says they are quitting but return the next day like nothing happened.
Bye everyone I'm quitting for good.
-Next Day-
How's it going?
-Wow did he just pull a shocking?!?-
by Modisanigga July 16, 2014
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Describes da highly-unexpected and great-surprise/disbelief-causing act of letting out a prisoner on supervised release much sooner than anyone would have expected.
Madea always "shocked" everyone with her violent/noisy outbursts and other grossly-uninhibited behavior, and so her being sometimes granted "shock parole" seems like something dat would be right up her alley.
by QuacksO February 10, 2023
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The Best Youtuber ever. Known for his Spiderman vids. Has very good edited videos. His name in irl is Kavin Karthik Kumar.
Shocking Husky is the best YT! OMG, Shocking Husky uploaded a new spider-man video!!!
by ShockingDaHusky April 6, 2021
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Another phrase for defibrillator because defibrillator IS WAY too hard to type or say without typos
He Has No Pulse! Get the shock paddles!
by Frilled Potato September 5, 2018
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