You attract a lot of senior people around you. Or being hit on by seniors, or have seniors around you asking sexual questions or saying weird shit.
A freshman girl talks about being a senior magnet.

Her: these seniors keep hitting on me.
Her friend: you’re a senior magnet then. That’s not good.

Her: what does that mean??
Her friend: you’re getting hit on by guys who are about to be adults. That’s like a case.
by emmie_889 January 2, 2023
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One who's face is so punch able that their very existence drives people crazy
"Mom, I got punched today." "Well, stop being such a knuckle magnet."
by Thekilz348 February 17, 2016
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It means Someone who is gay OR is likely to attract a lot of dick
"Your a Wang Magnet" Or "I bet your a Wang Magnet" Or "just Wang Magnet"
by SklttzUD March 24, 2021
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A School program filled with nothing but little bitches
look at Ranch High Schools Magnet Program it’s just filled with little bitches.”
by deadman’s demon November 12, 2020
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A person that attracts only people of short stature often referred to as midgets or a hobbits.
Meg was at the club last nite when approached by a group of midgets, following copius amounts of shots proceeded home to engage in midget gangbanging. Some might say she is a midget magnet or maybe a hobbit hunter
by CHUCKNORRIS6149 September 11, 2010
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To attract.

usually magnetate bitties and or sexy females.

Can also be used as "gravitate"
I magnetate all the bitties.

All the bitties magnetate to me
gravitate attract
by Nd1226 October 5, 2013
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