Colin Kay is a type of person the is always helping out and happy. Colin is really nice and in all a good person who loves having a fun time.
Nick: Colin can you come help me please

Colin: no problem buddy any time
Nick: thanks man
Colin Kay is just the best!
by Theawesomekid666 June 7, 2022
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Known as the "bomba" to all staff and students who have been at SHS for longer then 2 years. Was on probation at a time, kinda looks like Theodore J. Kaczynski. You will know when you see him, just by his sketchy looking appearance.
Hey is that sketchy kid Colin Ferris?
by Liv O'Brien June 13, 2019
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A greasy slug who masturbates often and plays fortnut
Colin Merriott diddled the kid.
by Bimbo brown November 7, 2019
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if you call someone a Colin Gross they are ginger and play clash and drums 24/7. They are a rare species of specimen who get on the nerves if everyone around them
Colin Gross stop playing clash! and find some friends to talk too!
by informer7819 February 14, 2019
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