short for Alexis or Alexandria. claims he's a guy. apparently, is a faggot unless he admits the name of the girl he likes.
by (buh-TIS-tuh) September 11, 2008
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a grad student who invites undergrads to his room to drink even though he's 24 and is perfectly capable of going downtown
Alex: "Hey, y'all wanna drink tonight? I don't have class until 2 tomorrow."

Undergrads: "Umm, we have class at 8 tomorrow . . . "
by jias;wi April 29, 2011
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"Dude, I went on a date with Alex and all she did was sit there and take pictures of her food with that instagram bullshit."
by Wolfii August 1, 2012
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kind of a fag, eats rice, cats, dogs, and used to have a pet rabbit. what a bitchassnigga.
by idke December 10, 2018
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A very strange child in need of medical and social assistance. The name Alex often attracts loads of rabid animals, such as squirrels and cats.
“Did you see Alex”
Check the mental institute down the block
by Snarlness December 12, 2017
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A total fucking weeb. This boi is an utter dork. He's the living embodiment of a nerd, geek, and dweeb combined. Most descriptions have him labeled as a "cool, lovable guy". No, this is not Alex. A true Alex is one who will rant to you until 3am, causing you to never do your homework. They are insanely stubborn in their ways and often assume incorrectly. And yet, you always need an Alex in your life, as their caring and funny ways will make them one of your closest, longlasting friends. (Even if they're idiots 99.8% of the time)
Person: yo what time is it
Alex: 5 AM
by Seammy November 15, 2018
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