A woman between puberty and late twenties who is attracted to serial killers and often mentions how their several severe crimes don't matter to her, because she finds them attractive and charming.
Person A: I heard Melissa got asked out yesterday.
Person B: Yeah, but she turned it down because she said "he wasn't mysterious enough for her". All these serial killer documentaries have turned her into such a Knife Receptacle.
by Hobgox February 5, 2022
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sharp knives. best for murder. also the most toxic gc actually
ill stab you with ikea knife
by Aanya ok February 5, 2022
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A Japanese punk lady trio, hailing from Osaka, Japan. They formed in 1981 and they play power-pop-punk rock music inspired by the Ramones, Beach Boys, 60s 'girl groups' (singing trios) and Japanese pop. Unlike most punk bands they generally write about more 'positive' topics, esp. food, good times and occasionally sci-fi. They don't push a sexual image but they do have a 'cutesy-wutsey' kawaii image, and they often draw in the cosplay crowd but make no mistake - those women are punk rockers, and they can kick out the jams - HARD. Some critics label this band under the category of 'cuddlecore'.
1. I've seen and met Shonen Knife five times. They always put on an exciting electrifying set. They're very fan friendly, after a show they'll talk with you, pose for selfies, sign anything.

2. Their audience is expanding beyond generations. The last 2 times I saw them they were playing full houses to audiences that had adults in their 40s and 50s.
3. Play a Shonen Knife CD in your car and it'll take you outta your doldrums in no time.
4. Shonen Knife is simply a FUN band to hear and see. What's wrong with just plain fun? When they come to your town to play, check them out.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 15, 2022
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When a man is having gay thoughts about another man.
I had to leave the party because that guy was butter knifing me.
by Bl4ckwat3r June 3, 2022
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Women over 50 who like to herk off men under 25.
I use to deliver flowers to senior citizens communities and score with a bunch of knife sharpeners.
by thedudebrown87 December 31, 2022
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olivia who is some 11 year old is on the internet acting 15 like
omg husse is my bf i had sex with him xoxo
olivia has a knife
lmao i know shes so idiotic
by olivia has a knife March 26, 2020
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the act of doing anal using tabasco sauce as lube
"My partner talked me into trying the subterranean kitchen knife in the bedroom, our relationship will never be the same."
by brainstorm-with-friends August 13, 2017
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