Someone who is an annoying twat and lower then a cockroach
Well isn't she a complete and utter twat-roach
by Jayknee November 26, 2014
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If someone asks you if you listen to del roache, they're asking if you are part of besties purrr and if you were traumatized by some of the things that were sent there <3
Do you listen to del roache?
Bestie: Yes!
*they're a psychopath probably*
by del timmey November 19, 2020
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1. To receive cunnilingus while lying down with your head hanging off the edge of the surface and legs straight up on the air.
2. In the movie Point Break (1991), when the fatally wounded character Roach launches himself backwards head first out of the plane to skydive.
“What are you planning for your 40th Birthday?”
“I think me and Keanu are just gonna be ‘doing the Roach’ all night on our new Crate and Barrel sectional.”
by Orangeflip October 14, 2019
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In the act of re-rolling used joint/blunt roaches, there is always that one roach that has been re-rolled over and over again. Hence a perpetual roach.
Hey man, doesn't that perpetual roach blunt taste like crap? I've seen you use the same roach 7 times now.
by Murphy1234asdf March 13, 2021
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A roach so big that it look like two roaches died on top of each other like Jack and Rose in the Titanic
That thang was so big look like a Titanic roach
by ShaShabbaRanks July 21, 2014
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Roach gang is a term to describe a group of people who you truly despise they also are spotted walking weirdly
Girl1 why are they walking like that
Girl2 oh it’s just the roach gang
by Djjddksbrittney October 3, 2019
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Roach roulette is the act of rolling a blunt or joint that leave approximately two to three centimeters of tobacco left at the mouth peice which would be your Roach, rather than potentially wasting marijiauna. This can be turned into a game where, when passed around, who ever gets the tobacco first has to fill the next shell and pass theirs around.
Stopped by my friends house to smoke and everyone was in a circle with their weed. I joined in a played roach roulette and we passed so many joints around we couldn't move.
by JakeFromStateFarm3 May 6, 2015
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