Sarah and I had fun last night with my semen rifle and her vajayjay
by ThatCreepyPerson March 17, 2014
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you be slurpin on man cum
yo did u see david slurpin on semen?
by tobythe god September 15, 2021
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a thick beverage enjoyed by women and the occational homosexual man. Not sold at 7-11, may be found outside for about 20 bucks.
also known as protein shake
She looked thirsty so i gave her a semen slurpy
by 12131415161 October 6, 2009
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Freshly fallen snow in the road that slicks the surface, making driving more difficult than usual.
Holy shit we just lost control of the car for a second around that turn.

Yeah dude, the roads covered in street semen.
by FartHuffer99 December 8, 2010
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The act of violently extracting someones glass eye, and proceeding to insert ones penis into the empty socket in a vigorous jack hammering motion resulting in a raw, bloody, wet, creamy, delicious mess. Leaving the sticky socket swimming with tadpole tears.
"Have you ever had a semen socket?"
by Semen Socket July 18, 2018
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In reference to the saying "make love not war", means the exact same thing.
At the war protest someone had a sign that said "bust semen not skulls."
by famallama April 22, 2010
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When you nut on a plate. Freeze it. And then throw it and a girl catches it her mouth
Person1:Dude my girl wanted me to give her a semen frisbee last night.

Person2: wow she must be a freak!
by TheRealCoochieMan. February 24, 2021
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