Trump allies and supporters who continue to stay loyal, kissing Donald Trump's ass by supporting his disastrous authoritarian mentality and Administration for seemingly NO valid reasons.
"I tell'ya Tom... I can't figure out after everything that's transpired, why there are any tRUMPster-Pucker-Uppers still supporting him... it's daunting?"
by A.Dodger June 21, 2020
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One takes a shit in the top tank of a toilet and waits for another person to flush the toilet and watches as the water is a constant brown mess
Someone must have captain upper deckered me, cause i flushed the toilet and shit continued to flow and wouldn't go away
by TheSlippyWaffle April 13, 2015
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A racist school that use black people for publicity . Known for sweeping history under the carpet. Ethnic people are not seen at this school
by Well well!!! September 27, 2023
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A man's head is his upper dome, as opposed to his penis, which is known just as his dome or in rare cases lower dome. This phrase is used in situations where just saying "dome" by itself could be ambiguous, but it can be used as itself.
Example 1
Guy1: Your girlfriend rubbed my dome last night, it felt great!
Guy2: What the f...!
Guy1: Chill man, I meant my upper dome.

Example 2
Guy1: Here take this snap straight to your upper dome.
Guy2: Danks homie.
by Albastion September 17, 2009
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A small public schoolin south jersey run by mr leekypants. the students are are absolute assholes and have nothing good to say about anyone. The teachers are either expired or sexist and every student is homophobic. This school is where the snobby rich parents send their kids.
Hey, did you hear about the student from "Upper Township Middle School" who killed them self from being bullied too much?
Wow, that's insane.
by MegaMommyMilf January 7, 2022
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A group of the most important people who are needed for a task or an assignment.
Since everyone sucks, we're just gonna pick the upper accordion instead.
by Datboi67 June 9, 2018
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all the kids that go to upper arlington smoke pot. you will not meet a single kid there that doesn’t smoke weed or get drunk everyday. it’s extremely common to find people crossed there as well. the kids that go there are rich as hell and they know it too. they walk around with sticks up their asses and if you tell them otherwise they will act tough at first but will then run and cry to their mommy your lucky if you meet a nice person from upper arlington high school
bro those kids go to upper arlington high school they must be complete douches
by allliieeeee August 2, 2022
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