A young man chosen by the 24 elders to be on da most high
Can you tell he’s a Donte. Donte? Donte, yeah he always stands out
by Dadontayte April 24, 2021
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A nigga who don't give a fuck bout what yo name mean bitch log tf out .
by @theyluvdonte November 25, 2021
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Donte is a unique name that humans give to the finest males of their population, Donte’s are charming , smart , funny , great at sex and an overall good person to be around . They tend to joke around but can also become very serious in a split second.
Wow when I grow up I want to be just like Donte
by Lil publisher November 11, 2020
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Tiara's fucking husband. Is bound to her for eternity. Always loves a Tiara no matter what.
Donte should give his Tiara more attention.
by Person Who Thou Shall Not Lie December 24, 2020
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Donte is a sexy person. Donte’s are sometimes just basic, but most are sexy, and to die for. If you get love from a Donte- you’re lucky. You wanna keep a Donte.
Donte is sexy! Donte is fine!!
by Jaclyn Praylaw May 4, 2020
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A solid first name! However when used as a middle name it’s used to describe a middle aged white man… that sucks dick in Atwood’s parking lots.
For example Xavier Donte Thomas gave great head game to my uncle Tony in the Atwood’s parking lot.
by Your mom *yawn* July 22, 2022
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