A woman who gossips about everyone and everything. If this woman is confronted with her gossiping, she either plays the victim or lies. A betty also complains about everyone and everything, she will be nice to your face but talk crap about you behind your back.
"Stop being a betty"
"Your acting like a betty"
"Okay betty"
by HaveaLemon May 15, 2021
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One who Likes Archie who is a man now. Wants best for archie. She also admires Archie for everything he is and looks at him with respect.
Betty likes Archie and wants best for him.
by Hijbullah May 14, 2021
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adjective, mood, used as in "to feel Betty"

Feeling Betty means to feel lazy, tired, unmotivated and generally just having the need to stay in bed all day for napping and sleeping. The term derives from one lazy ass doggo with a long tongue.
"Hey, how are ya doing today?"
- "Oh ya know.. feeling pretty Betty today"
by Jonniiie September 16, 2020
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a term referencing older women, post-intercourse, who are covered in ejaculate
Tim: Oh hey, Rob, don’t go in our room yet. I’ve got a Betty Whiter in there and I’m trying to milk her for her inheritance.
by jellypuddinginmyanus42069 December 5, 2020
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Van Betty (fun betty) is the iconic Surname given to a totally awesome girl, that really knows how to have a good time. She has no insecurities, issues or baggage. She is almost one of the guys but is still also a girly girl. She is the type of girl that is as close to perfect as perfect can get, she may have some flaws, but in the larger scheme of things these are negligible. Similar to a panda girl, she is smart, funny and super cute. Van Betties are also somewhat of an "endangered species" as few of them actually exist.
Van Betties are hard to find and must not be confused with a Fake Van Betty who will pretend to be a Van Betty until she has her claws into a guy. A genuine Van Betty will never give her guy a hard time and will never pull up the handbrake! Van Betties are really into action sports, both as a spectator and as a participant.
Also see Betty hot chick
She is a real Van Bettie, she is always keen to do fun guy stuff and never has attitude, I think we should call her "insert her first name here" Van Betty
by TeeOneThousand June 12, 2011
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can I fuck you so hard that cum goes out your nostrils?” -daddy
“Betty Bet That Up” -mommy
by Slurpmeout October 31, 2023
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