Can be used two ways,

1. Meaning someone isn’t photogenic or looks gross/bad in a photo
2. When someone is acting really dumb without knowing they are
1: “hey look at this pic I jus posted”
“You really can’t do tape
2: your friend is acting stupid, like they forgot how to human

“Rachel!!, fuck! You can’t do tape!”
by You can’t do tape May 30, 2019
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Definitely did something wrong, and is doing a poor job at covering it up.
Doug - "Hey you didn't have anything to do with that missing child, did you?"

Dave - "I didn't do shit, I swear."
by toastyptsd May 11, 2023
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To do something dangerous with a firearm or show poor firearm safety.
"James was totally Doing a Baldwin yesterday he flagged me like 3 time"
by Mr_9_Yearold October 27, 2021
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what you say to anger 7 year olds but tame them with free robux like a 40 year old single mom
do you need roblox for your rabloox jack
by why didn't you dab March 4, 2019
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the act of 'doing a robert' consists of either having an irrational fear of bananas, being too scared to do simple rudimentary instructions or having a very small penis.
'ere look at him'
'I know right?'
'why is he running from a banana?'
'ah, he must be doing a robert!'
by Kai Girthy December 2, 2022
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