ironic memes are humorous images circulated in various circles on the internet (primarily tumblr, ifunny, and dedicated facebook pages) known for their bizarre and avant-garde nature and frequent use of stock photos, lowercase letters, Comic Sans MS and the like. as the name suggests they express deep levels of irony and sarcasm, and there is a marked link between creators of ironic memes and mental disorders (typically depression).
1: Did you see that ironic meme?

2: Yeah dude, where they just posted an image of a cylinder? It was kinda funny because of how ridiculous it was.
by Kappa// April 18, 2016
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Ironic memes refer to memes that make no sense at all or have many layers of irony in them.

Ironic memes can be found throughout communities on Instagram, iFunny, Reddit and elsewhere on the internet. Ironic communities are most notable for popularizing many meme formats.

Many accounts on Instagram are dedicated to posting these, with most of the time them making no sense to the average viewer.

Many accounts also shit on other content creators for being unfunny and usually use transitions to convey irony.

Most notable accounts are:

Usually add rap music to their memes and act all tough to scare away people who don’t understand irony
Yo have you seen that new meme from @longtesticless?

Yeah man that meme was very dank. He shat on someone for being terribly unfunny! One of my favorite posts from him man!

Yeah he posts very dank ironic memes.
by qwdkjnafkjn389 June 16, 2019
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When one person steals another person's meme without a customary like or upvote
Don't you hate when someone meme jacks you and they get more likes?
by DelusionsOfAdequacy September 8, 2017
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A person who posts and reposts memes everyday on Facebook and Twitter hoping to get a rise out of people and change their political stances and/or religious views. These people rarley if never go outside of their homes and do any real activism such as collecting names for a petition, holding signs, occupying spaces to make statements, majoring in politics in college and actually proposing or changing laws. They usually are just bummed out with the way things are going in life because their lack of work ethic, self sacrifice, and overall poor life decisions have led them to feel as though someone else is to blame and the best way they can get back at them is to post a meme on Facebook.
Dude, everyday this meme activist posts another shitty meme thinking it'll lead to some real change in the world. I wonder what he does for a living? Is he contributing to anything at all in society?
by Black tar heroine March 4, 2018
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(verb) The act of searching the internet for clever or informative memes.
I find these funny memes by just meme farming.
by Slackisgabe January 28, 2016
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A meme that, no matter its age, will relentlessly keep you satisfied.
It is possible that Harambe is becoming a Legacy-meme
by Memer69 October 10, 2016
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Memes that make you feel on edge, and disturbed. If you search it up, you instantly regret it after reading the first meme.
"I searched up creepy memes, and I saw that perverted sloth in several of them!"
by The Unknown tit February 2, 2018
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