When you buy shoddy furniture/housewares that seem can can only have been stolen from Ikea by a gypsy looking for some extra bucks!
Robert " shit man, this bed frame seems to be missing screws & parts! Wtf!!!"

Angela " I told you to stay away from that sketchy Gypsy Ikea stuff. It's just trash not even fit for a raccoon!"
by Mad_signtist September 15, 2023
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A Gypsy Rush is another phrase for the Euphoric head rush experienced after smoking a toot or large bong.
That was some savage Gypsy Rush right there

Mate, I'm Gypsy rushing my fucking tits away
by snoopy01201010101001 May 20, 2010
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A Gypsy woman prone to liarrhea manipulation and slander.
That back door man always get's Gypsy-Pam's santorum all over the bed sheets. Now he won't give the cunt a gypsys kiss if she was on fire.
by gwedo January 9, 2004
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Mixed blood Hispanic-Turk known as Paul Nicholas Miller who was tricked by the Alt-Right hivemind into believing he's white and dresses up as the Joker harassing other brown people online.
"Whoever tricked Gypsy Crusader into thinking he's white either deserves a medal or a prison sentence"
by Suk Mike Hok October 28, 2023
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Acting extremely self-centered and independent. An egotistical vagabond.
Did you hear how the lady at the market was talking so rude to the cashier?

She was being a total Butt Gypsy
by Nicknames_Are_Hard September 7, 2023
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Its the face the guitarist from Cable Stealing Gypsies makes when he's playing a solo. It looks like he's having sex with his guitar
Tasha "it looks like the dude with the red guitar is about to orgasm?"

Abby "oh, that's just the gypsie sex face"

Tasha "its magical. It really takes me to another place. Maybe a rock 'n roll orgy at Keith Richards house or something"
by tamepanda June 6, 2011
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A Gypsy Pirate is like someone who sails the seas, and belong no-where.

But originally is from India down the line, Hence Gypsy/Roma.
1:)The origins of these pirates are Gypsy/Roma.
2:)They Are Gypsy Pirates.
by Prince Roma April 22, 2016
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