An involuntary gesture characterized mainly by a shoulder twitch and outstretched palms of the hand. Always accompanied with a Shatner pause. The gesture received its namesake from William Shatner's portrayal of Captain James T. Kirk in Star Trek, who incorporated this into the character.

Can also be applied in real world situations to bring emphasis to an upcoming statement.
Proctologist: Ok get ready, you may feel some pressure.

Patient: Please doctor, I'm *Shatner shift* accustomed to being under pressure
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When a girl changes how her face look with makeup
Yo Anna over there is changing her face with makeup. Yeah that's called shape shifting
by Erick Johnson II January 17, 2022
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When you are driving a manual car and you floor it to redline before forcefully jamming the shifter into the next gear. Bonus points for leaving your car at redline for several seconds and/or money shifting
“Hey wanna know how to turn your pistons into a space exploration program?”

“Let me guess, rip it and shift it?”
by FishWithFeet August 5, 2020
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Shifted off ; is when you fuck up or ruin the climax of your master plan.
I was so totally shifted off when ineeded a screenshot with the time and drop down, I was so excited, I was three finger swiping to fast, so the screenshot command didn't recognize/register.
by Bryn Benn April 24, 2020
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Shifted off ; is when you fuck up or ruin the climax of your master plan.
I so totally shifted off when ineeded a screenshot with the time and drop down, I was so excited, I was three finger swiping to fast, so the screenshot command didn't recognize/register.
by Bryn Benn April 24, 2020
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