The act of putting your fist in a girls pussy and pushing up so you can see her stomach move.
I fucked that chick Emily last night and when giving her a dirty jeremy she queefed and made my arm vibrate!
by Youngfunkyjunk June 5, 2020
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The act of having sex with a spooky ghost until it sprays ectoplasm all over your face.
There's no way I'll do the Dirty Lucas again. Last time was way too spooky.
by Dr. Cortex October 8, 2019
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After blowing a load into a condom take off the condom and slap the girl in the face with it
After having terrible sex i pulled a dirty kyle on the girl
by chris kyle January 21, 2009
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In Dungeons and Dragons, a roll that adds to 20 only after adding your modifier. Used to differentiate from a nat 20, as that roll means automatic success, where as a Dirty Twenty may not.
DM: Roll for initiative.
Rogue: Dirty Twenty.
Bard: Nat 20!
DM: Okay, so bard goes first.
by AZachOfTheClones April 14, 2020
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Bitch who’s always horny and fantasizing about meeting one of the many men she finds on her books. Big ass fetish with accents and books psychopaths or sociopaths.
“Dude, she just read one of her books and is turning into a dirty Ana...”
by whosbitching June 28, 2020
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The act of inserting a thumb into the anus during intercourse. Inspired by the Happy Day's character,Arthur Fonzerelli, who was fond of giving the thumbs up and uttering "Aaaaaaa(nus)."
"We were doing it doggy style when Christian decided to give me a dirty fonzie! I felt so violated!!"
by Anala November 12, 2005
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Referenced to driving a vehicle with any form of illegality;

1. Driving with an expired, suspended, or revoked license; or driving without a valid license or license plates.

2. Driving a vehicle with expired tags or failed inspection.

3. Driving a stolen vehicle.

4. Driving with unregistered guns in the vehicle.

5. Driving while intoxicated or under the influence.

6. Driving with illegal drugs/controlled substances in a vehicle.
Jason: The cops arrested me yesterday because I was riding dirty.

Chris: Why?

Jason: Because I had a sack of weed in the car.
by krazykiki June 11, 2006
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