The act of browsing local and global news web sites with the sole intention of finding something shocking, absurd, or intriguing to post to your social networking page.
Dang, dude, you posted some pretty sick stuff up on your page, I better lock down and do some intense News Booking tonight so i don't fall short on my Social Site Page Status.
by bxmith June 6, 2010
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When someone has a new kid, pet, etc. and won't shut up about them. Bonus points when it's their first time having a kid/pet/etc. (referred to as 'pet' from now on for clarity)

They tend to highlight every little thing the pet does as amazing/cute/adorable/etc...

Asks you if you also think that it's awesome that it dod something constantly and seems to forget that they asked you the same question mere moments ago.
Also can't sit for 5 minutes without noticing something the pet did or how it's doing.

They'll point out something about the pet and how it's special and that very few other pets have this awesome and desirable trait.

If it wears off in a month, they were probably under the influence of insufferable new mom syndrome.
A: Look at Mr. Whiskers! Isn't he so adorable? (repeat x100)

B: Dude, you're being an insufferable new mom.

A: But look! Isn't he just the cutest!?
by spmtn March 12, 2022
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the town where all the bros go to float the Comal and Guadalupe rivers. Not to be confused with New Braunfels.
All of the Sigma Nu dudebros from San Marcos and other parts of the dirty eight thirty went to New Bro-nfels to go tubing.
by drew7667 July 8, 2009
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Someone who walks really fast to get to where they need to be. Usually someone who is from or lived in New York walks this way since there are tourist everywhere and they are sloooow.
Friend 1: "What time should we start walking to get to school?"
Friend 2: "Well we have that New York walk so we can be there in 5"
by gigi_1016 September 8, 2016
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term that promotes the gay pride movement
Lots of people are coming out now. I guess it gay wave new wave.
by user 4824 February 20, 2018
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when your daily and weekly newspapers don’t have an hour’s worth of reading material on business ideas.
The media new money depletion kept most people from being wealthy.
by Coop Dupe June 15, 2018
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The process in which a person murders a rival by slicing his or her (or their, lets be politically correct, here) throat with an incredibly stale and sharpened slice of New York pizza.
"Holy cow man! What happened to Tony?" "It looks like the old New York Slice & Dice..."
by The Real Fart Monger April 6, 2022
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