When you get bit by a rabid Dog you can get Dog Jaw and your jaw will lock up.
While walking around the park a loose Dog with rabies bit me causing Dog Jaw and my Jaw now hurts and locks up.
by Sharkynm June 5, 2021
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A painful and elocutionarily debilitating medical condition originally identified among pederastic members of the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God, brought on by compulsive fellatio performed on unwilling minors.
A doctor's office in 1974...
Doctor: Well, Brother, what might the problem be today?
Patient: Humph-haugh-haugh-maugh-hinh.
Doctor: St. John's jaw again, is it? That's the third time this year, Brother. You really must give it a rest.
Patient: Rhaoum-haugh.
by doonga November 8, 2013
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When someone who thinks they can fight threatens to punch someone they cannot beat
by Pimp Tyrone October 12, 2021
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Somebody put Jaws rabbits in the water to study human behavior, and when they found out how terrified people were of the rabbits and their razor sharp teeth, they moved on to making a pestilence happen, a plague.
by The Original Agahnim January 16, 2022
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An American software engineer and Internet entrepreneur. Known for uploading the first video on YouTube known as "Me at the zoo". He's also disappointed in YouTube for removing the dislike button, which really says something considering he's one of the founding fathers.
"When every YouTuber agrees that removing the dislike button is a stupid idea, it probably is. Try again, YouTube." -Jawed Karim
by BadlyDrawnMedievalLion January 18, 2022
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Common on college campus nationwide. Nature's way of letting you know the puke's on the way and to pray to the porcelain Jesus.
Los: *belch.....rubbing stomach*

Kev: ..yeah, so like was saying, I passed go and collected my two hund-....

Los: *sprints toward the bathroom*

Kev: Drip jaw, again. Fuckin rookie.
by KetcuhpVSKatsup December 10, 2011
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