The media is a lot like the police, they don't have to be on your side, so they're not.
The media calls themselves trusted, that doesn't mean anybody else is calling the media trustworthy.
by Solid Mantis March 19, 2020
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A person who changes how they rate a series of media based on twitter reaction and who they’re talking to (usually anime/manga/vn)
Trixs is a Schrödinger’s Media Consumer.
by TldrNud November 25, 2022
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A person who changes how they rate a series of media based on twitter reaction and who they’re talking to (usually anime/manga/vn)
Trixs is a Schrödinger’s Media Consumer.
by TldrNud November 25, 2022
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People try to show they have an awesome life by posting a ton of staged pics and posting on social media in an attempt to make friends.
Person 1-Man, her life looks amazing! Look at those cool pics!

Person 2-Nah, that's just her social media life, her real life sucks balls.
by dboys194 January 23, 2016
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Brilliant idea! I didn't use social media for the first 27 years of my life and LOOK HOW I TURNED OUT! I'M THE GREATEST MIND WHO HAS EVER LIVED!
Hym "Yeah that social media ban for kids under 18 is brilliant because in like 13 years we'll have a generation full of adults who spent their childhood gestating in a solipsistic cocoon. It'll be fun to see what types of new horror they unleash upon the world... You'll have yourself an army of ME running around. Love it. Love the sound of that."
by Hym Iam March 28, 2023
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