there is a boy that two girls like and he likes them both
he is in a three way couple
by weiami October 3, 2017
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They are the two kids who share earbuds, tease each other in the halls, and basically act like a couple. They like to skateboard, and often do it together. Not the most popular couple, but are known by others. They overall seem like really cool people, and look awesome together.
Person 1: Yo did you see that skater couple?
Person 2: Yeah. They looked really cool.
by rootbeer&icecream December 8, 2017
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When members of a couple simultaneously seduce two other people. Usually they hope to engage in a foursome.
Me and my girlfriend were couple dual mackin on some hotties last night and SCORED!
by kalinka124 March 15, 2011
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The popular couple is just the step down from power couple.The popular couple talks to almost everyone and is seen together almost everywhere. The popular couple is friends with everybody and they fit and are included in almost every friend group some how.The power couple usually has one main person who does all the talking around people when they usually are in big groups.One person in the power couple is usually popular first but then the other person becomes popular too. The power couple has may fights but settles it by confirming my rumors together or gossiping
Oh my gosh did you see Mandi and Jason aren't they the most popular couple?
Look they must be the power couple!
by mess5273 November 9, 2017
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A couple that started dating during covid
Wow, that couple is wearing masks, must be a covid couple!
by Mikey Butts April 13, 2021
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An old couple who tries to block progress by forcing their children to stick to tradition
My parents are a classic strangle couple; they threatened to write me out of the will if I become an environmentalist instead following my dad into the family business.
by wingit4me February 6, 2009
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When a couple is just too damn cute
"Wow do you see them? They are so couple goalzy!"
by NI G GA R January 16, 2017
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