a man, of usually an older age, who is the man. he does whatever he pleases and doesn't care what anybody else thinks. he has a good sense of humor and can be found often laughing at his own jokes. he likes to tell younger men about his stories from back in the day, and most of the stories are legendary. he is respected by all who walk among him. (JACK must be spelled with all capital letters)
"that man over there is JACK and is always telling me crazy stories about his glory days."
by Michiganfan4 November 19, 2009
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Absolutely nothing; a shortened form of jack shit or jack squat and a synonym of diddly.
Your wife: "Hi honey...my, you're home late. What did you do today?"
You: "Jack."
Your wife: "How was your day at work?"
You: "What? Where's my dinner?"
by Nick D February 25, 2004
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A person that is addicted to starbucks and/or usually calls great people "chu chu"
Someone:That person is so jack jack
by asdfasdfasdf October 9, 2006
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1. Drunk, intoxicated, inebriated, particularly in a beligerent fashion.

2. To steal, either covertly or by force any item.
2b. To rob at gunpoint, as one would a bank or convenience store.

3. Cheated, robbed, deprived of an ammount of money or property via a complex scheme or confidence game.
1. Dude, I was so jacked, I could hardly even stand, and I told him, "fuck you bitch," and that was when he kicked me out, and it was all fuzzy after that, but I just woke up in a ditch.

2. I jacked his sun glasses while he wasn't looking
2b. He jacked a McDonalds by an off-ramp, and we don't know what state he's in right now.

3. Dude, are you gonna tell the cops how we got jacked?
by Teh Pope April 9, 2005
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A quantity of marijuana worth £5 i.e halh a tens, a quarter of an eighth.
I've only got enough to pick up a jacks.
by high as a kite April 20, 2004
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