On internet forums, when a thread that has been inactive for months, sometimes even years, receives a new response and becomes active again. The term can refer to:

1) the resurrected thread itself, and/or
2) the act of posting in a thread and thereby reactivating it.
1) Wow, this thread's from 2003. We got a zombie!
2) I know this is an old thread, but I zombied it because it might be worth a read by some of the newer users.
by DorkmanScott November 19, 2006
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(zom'be) n.
1. A political creature marked by a propensity for statism and collectivism, incapable of individualism or coherent thought.
2. A conformist to politically popular notions who moves in an undifferentiated herd and obeys orders mindlessly; one who accepts political dogma without consideration or thought.
3. A statist drone who reacts to political opposition with indecipherable howling and gross violence.
4. A political activist under the control of a cult leader or guru.
"The candlelight vigil was full of zombies. They'll protest anything."
by e_m_m September 21, 2008
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a corpse brought back to life to wander the earth and feast on the flesh of the living.
"Corpses! Lumbering, rotting cadavers! What contrivance
could have wrought this...this...this abomination?!?!
Diseased science...?? Blasphemous occult rituals? How can
something so...so dead, yet be so alive?!?! And hungry..!
They lust for flesh...Human flesh...and feast upon all the
sweetbreads a man has to offer!!" ~ Maximillian Roivas (Eternal Darkness)
by Dirge February 1, 2005
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A reanimated corpse.
1. Lupe fiasco's The Cool, a gangsta brought back to life to haunt the streets. Only one thought runs through his head, the only phrase he can say- "Hustla for death, no heaven for a gangsta".

2. yo mama, (a real ugly zombie)
by Black_VI-DaRealNigga May 9, 2008
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Former humans whom have either succumbed to extreme stupidity or have been bitten by one who has. Highly contagious the most obvious signs of infection are lack of awareness of other drivers when driving on the highway, complete and utter bull falling from their lips on a consistant basis, and most importantly any long term employee who lacks even the smallest clue as to how to perform their job duties.
The zombie manager in operations has completely infected the staff.
by Trillian31 February 20, 2010
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Something that people argue about the speed of the infected one. Zombies that run fast, like in Left 4 Dead, Counter Strike: Zombie Mod (whatever), and Resident Evil, are usually something that have an extent of the infection. Slow zombies are usually the dead corpse reanimated, due to radiation or summonings in movies.
Fast Zombie:

Bill: TANK!!!

Louis: Wher- *hit by tank*

Zoey: LOUIS!!!

Slow Zombies:

Civillian: They're sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo- *is bitten*
by omgnoobzor October 4, 2009
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