Slang for “whats your number”; basically the guys that want to look cool and not look like a simp will say this to avoid asking directly for your number.
Aye yo, Can I get yo digits
“Whats your digits”
“Put your digits in my phone
by Lil Lara September 23, 2023
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Refers to the latest news/updates about your friends and relatives. Another word for What's Up which is very common in tech world.
John - Hey Ray, What's Your Cover ?
Dave - I am just done with my dinner.
by Moulish Rated - R Punk March 6, 2015
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Your ip is:
Please try Hacking this address!
This person is really stupid!!
Hey Dude whats your IP??
Uhmmm, Let Me Check.
errrr, its i think
by Liam June 2, 2004
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"What's your ass?" is a question that is asked around the world. The actual meaning behind it is either, "How are you (on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best)?" or "What are you doing?"
Nick: Yo, Ozzie what's your ass?

Ozzie: I'm about an 8.

Tim: Yo, Tino what's your ass?
Tino: My ass is chillen in my room.
by Germangi October 15, 2013
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That last guy is a fuckin moron, if your an elite hacker you wouldnt need to ask for an IP, plus if you told me you were I would neva give you my IP....dick wad.
You like weiners!
by bob (casey) April 10, 2004
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What the BOFH asks when he wants to kick someone's e-ass. See what's your IP?
Luser: My account is empty!
BOFH: What was your username again?
Fish. Barrel. Shotgun.
by fizzle April 15, 2004
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