The most hilarious quote from the movie Dawn of Justice: Batman V. Superman by actor Ben Affleck starring as Batman.
Superman: s-save Martha!
Batman: Why did you say that name?!
Lois Lane: It's his mother's name!
by cuz 8O3 December 12, 2016
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"I Say, You Say Louder" is a game.

The objective of the game is to be the one that yells the picked word or phrase the loudest. The first person whispers, then the next person whispers louder, and the next person says it, until it progresses into an intense screaming match.

Phrases often used for this game are "unicorns", "I do believe in fairies", and "penis."

This game is well demonstrated in the movie "(500) Days of Summer", where a couple is playing the game while using the phrase "penis."
Two people in a game of "I Say, You Say Louder."

1st person: *Whispers,* "Unicorns."
2nd person: *says*, "Unicorns."
1st person: *says louder*, "Unicorns."
2nd person: *screams*, "UNICORNS!!"
by Schmandrea December 31, 2010
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An expressions confusedable quote from my asian cousin...
My Japanese cousin: My girl looking fine, she's dark-skin hispanic tho

Me: Yeah but my boyfriend looking sexy, he has blue half green eyes and you know, he has blonde curly long hair tho but you know that, he wants to smoke but he really listening to 80s rock, but he's hot

My Japanese cousin: What did you say girl?
by LilSammie November 5, 2020
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This is a phrase used to agree to somebody's suggestion because you do not want to argue (much like the phrase: "Whatever you say"). However, when you think about it, it literally makes zero sense.
Person who is definitely less than 6 feet tall: " Yeah, I'm 6'5'' "
You: "Whatever you say so queso."
by Bubbhippo June 17, 2021
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It’s a stupid joke used by middle school boys who think they’re funny and it literally means “I know you’re gay”. Usually people reply with “I said it’s gay” to say “I’m not gay” but people also get confused about it and don’t know it means gay.
JERRY: What did you say about Minecraft?!!
NATHAN: I said it’s gay.
JERRY: Ok your cool.

JERRY: What did you say about Minecraft?!?
EMMA: What?
JERRY: That’s What I thought.

OWEN: Knock knock.
JERRY: Who’s there.
OWEN: Jerry.
JERRY: Jerry who?
OWEN: Exactly my point.
JERRY: What did you say about Minecraft?!?
OWEN: I said it’s gay.
by pseudonyms don’t confine me October 13, 2018
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what joe kim said on the bus ride to wharton
2. pissed off dutch person
joe kim said whatever you say it dont mean shnat for the whole bus ride to wharton.
by joe May 1, 2004
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