when the Red Sox beat the Yankees, I was "wicked" excited!
by Lillian October 10, 2003
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In 1966 & '67 we used the word "wicked" all the time in Imperial Beach, California, a Southern California coastal suburb of San Diego, to describe something totally hot, awesome, cool, bitchin, etc.
1. Check out that wicked car!
by Bob Sampson September 8, 2007
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Originates from the Massacusetts-Rhode Island area of New England, used as a synonum to very and really. Rivals the West Coasts word hella…
by the infamous giz November 9, 2005
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An adjective used in place of the word 'very'. The term is used in this way mainly in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
by Ryanne C August 19, 2006
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Wicked is a word used by all New Englanders, not just certain states, all New England States. It means really or very. It is the same thing as "Hella"
That was wicked awesome.
by Matt April 14, 2004
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A word used by people in the Boston/New England area instead of hecka, hella or whatever the hell you use
The Red Sox kick wicked big yankee ass.
by marykate November 10, 2005
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Very cool, awesome. As seen on The Ali G Show.
"I boned me Julie last night."
"Yo, wicked! Total respek."
by Dangerous Dave February 14, 2005
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