10 definitions by Lillian

TNT IS OFF THE FIREWORKS (or in other words, the word tnt is an utterbly awesome word which means just that- utterbly awesome and super cool).. yes so have you ever been a situation when something is soooooo awesome you just don't know what to say about it well now you your problem is solved- you say that is the TNT!!!!!!!! (as in that is the bomb- but don't ever say that just the tnt)
Dude your shirt is the TNT!!
by Lillian June 13, 2004
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a person whom you are related to. sometimes a role model. sometimes an ass. sometimes a friend. a person who you are stuck being related to until the day you die through good or bad
by Lillian January 31, 2004
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another name for retard or stupid (originated from colleenie beenie bannon)
what a rebut!!
Ari is such a fucking rebut.
by Lillian March 18, 2005
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